Social Event Photos

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2024 Halloween Potluck Dinner/Dance (October 26, 2024)
2024 St Patricks Day Bowl and Dinner
2024 February Dinner/Dance
2024 Super Bowl Party
2023 Christmas Potluck and Fall Aggregate Windup
2023 Halloween Social

The theme for this year’s Halloween event was Carnival. Thank you Vicky for organizing the event, to all who helped to setup and clean up and to everyone else who helped to make the event a success. Thank you to Gloria and Drena for providing the photographs.

Click or tap on the photos to enlarge them.

2023 Fall Dinner/Dance

Thank you to Vicky and her helpers in the kitchen, the set up and clean up crews, the bartenders and everyone who chipped in to make this another successful event. Thank you to WRLBC member Jamie Fear and his band Old School.

Click or tap on the photos to enlarge them.

2023 Viva Las Vegas Bowl and Dinner

Thank you to Vicky and her helpers in the kitchen, the set up and clean up crew, the bartenders and everyone who chipped in to make this another successful event.

Click or tap on the photos to enlarge them.

Thank you to Marilyn, Leslie, Maddie and Kathy for supplying the photos.

2023 Canada Day

Thank you to the many members who pitched in to make this a successful event. To the organizers, those who cooked, prepared and served the food, helped with the setup, looked after the games and door prizes, did the dishes (the dishwasher was out of order due to a hot water issue), ran the bar, helped with the cleanup and all who pitched in and helped out with the many duties needed for a successful event.

Thank you to Leslie and Gloria for supplying the photos.

2023 Western Bowl and Dinner

Thank you to Vicky to the wonderful dinner, to Gloria, Marilyn and Leslie for the photos and to the many others who pitched in and helped out.

2023 St Patrick’s Day
2022 St Patrick’s Day